Brittany Bardot

Brittany Bardot

Famous MILF Brittany Bardot Extreme Hardcore Pornstar


Brittany Bardot is presented in multiple streams by Wet and Pissy. Although we haven't seen Brittany Bardot in a sultry pornographic video on Wet and Pissy in a few years, the blonde MILF is looking hotter than ever! Wearing a basque, high heels, and fishnet stockings with lace trim, Brittany teases herself while lounging on the couch and caresses her hands over her body. She takes a seat back, puts her panties' black lace fabric between her lips, and gives her nipples a quick tease. With one leg propped up on a leather chair, Brittany grabs a massive glass and holds it carefully beneath her. Brittany Bardot is presented in multiple streams by Wet and Pissy. We haven't seen Brittany Bardot here in a number of years. She begins to slowly pour her shit into the glass, ladling it over her tongue like a good wine! Before pouring the remaining mixture over her pussy and masturbating, this hottie spits it back out and over her velvet basque. Brittany fills the tube to the brim with her golden fluids after using a pussy pump to swell her moist pussy! She masturbates as she covers her pussy with her warm liquid.